A prayer for my wife

Dear Precious and Perfect Heavenly Father,

Thank for blessing me with such an amazing wife who I deeply cherish and desire. Please physically protect her as she pursues her work for the day. Watch over her as she drives on the road with crazy drivers, and engages in a hurting world of crazy people. When she is attacked by the enemy, by the Holy name and blood of Jesus Christ, I pray all oppression is muted and bounded, and that she feel the safety and protection of resting in your eternally all-powerful arms.

Help her be focused, authentic, engaging, and loving as she interacts with the people throughout the day. Help us both submit to the guiding love and light of the Holy Spirit as we relate with each other, family, friends, and strangers.

When she feels inadequate, unattractive, insignificant, insecure,  unsure, overwhelmed, exhausted, secluded, or unimportant, help her be able to identify those as lies from Satan and run to you for defining herself by and resting in her identity as a holy daughter of the creator of the universe. Help her deeply desire you. Nudge her to spend time reading the Bible, talking with you, and worshiping you. Help her seek strength, mission, and fulfillment in you.

Thank you for the relationships in our lives that affirm us as a couple, and thank you for the friends you have blessed her with that affirm her and hold her accountable. Please provide her with more Godly women to surround her, mentor her, listen to her, appreciate her, that she can lead, and that will love on her. Thank you for her desire to serve you, our church, and your people.

Please keep our minds pure in our desire and attraction for each other. Help us spiritually,  physically,  romantically, and emotionally pursue and pour into each other with our thoughts, words, and touch.

Please continue molding me into the man she deserves and that humbly pursues the noble responsibility of modeling Christ’s submission and servanthood to the church. Empower me with wisdom to lead her and our household as I submit to You.

Help me joyfully serve her in all I do. Help me remember to thank and affirm her as she serves and blesses me in so many ways, from genuinely caring about my day, to house work, to how she pursue you, to how she serves others in her life.

As I get fearful about her mortality, help me remember that you have merely loaned her to me for the entirety of our life. Thank you for allowing me the privelidge of loving her and learning about you through out relationship with you and each other.

Thank you God for who you are, who my wife is, who you are creating her to be, and the blessing of our marriage.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ whom you sacrificed on the cross so we may be in direct relationship and communion with you for all eternity.



a prayer for my wife

My amazing wife Ashley recently shared “A prayer for my husband” on her blog. I’m so thankful to have a wife who prays for me daily! As a husband, I want to make sure I’m praying for her everyday as well. Praying for your spouse is one of the best ways we can strengthen our faith AND our marriage! Maybe prayer is a mysterious (or even weird) concept for you, but it’s actually very simple. It’s just talking to your creator like you would talk to your best friend (because He actually wants to be your best friend). Here is my prayer today for Ashley. I encourage you to pray your own version of this prayer for your wife today and everyday. 

Lord, THANK YOU for sending me such an incredible partner, best friend and wife. Next to your grace, her love is the greatest gift in my life. Please never let me take her for granted. Help me to love, cherish, respect, adore, and protect her the way that she deserves. I know she’s not only my wife…She’s YOUR daughter, and you’ve trusted me to be her husband. Please help me to love her the way that you love her; being willing to lay down my life for her the way you have done for us.

Father, we live in a world where your daughters are being objectified and used as images for lust and selfish gratification. Please help me keep my eyes and my heart pure in a world of sin and exploitation. Help me have eyes only for my wife. Give her the confidence to know that she’ll never have to compete for my attention against an airbrushed image of another woman. Let her know that I’m now and always captivated by her inner beauty and her outer beauty as well.

Please keep her away from the “Comparison Trap” that would tempt shatter her confidence and replace it with insecurity. Help her know she doesn’t need to compare her life or her accomplishments to anyone else’s because your plan for her is masterfully unique. Help me to be her biggest encourager and never her biggest critic. Give me the words to say when she needs encouragement and give me the wisdom to know when to shut up and be quiet when she just needs me to listen. 

Help me to support her dreams and passions to propel her to achieving all you have for her. For all she will achieve, please don’t let her fall into the trap of believing her identity is wrapped up in achievements (or failures), but her identity is secured in your love for her. Never let her lose sight of the fact that she’s eternally loved by you and let her find strength in my love for her as well.

Fill her heart with joy. Let laughter fill the soundtrack of our life together. Even in the difficult seasons, help us choose joy as we’re reminded that our struggles are temporary, but because of you Lord, our joy will be eternal. Help me be strong for her on the days she’s feeling weak, and help her be strong for me on the days I’m feeling weak, and Lord, please give us both strength for all that’s ahead. Help us to NEVER lose faith in you or give up on each other.

Thank you, Lord, for my amazing wife! She’s a priceless gift to be treasured, and I pray that you’d help me to be a gift to her as well. Please give me the wisdom, courage and strength to be the best husband I can be today and everyday. In Jesus name, Amen.

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a prayer for my wife



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