A prayer for direction

a prayer for direction

A Prayer for Direction
Dr. Charles Stanley

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? – Micah 6:8

We naturally want to determine our own course in life. It seems like the only logical way to get where we want to go. But being wise in our own eyes is pride. To combat this tendency, the Lord instructs us to fear Him and turn away from evil (v. 7). This “fear” is not a horrified dread of the Father, but an attitude of respect that motivates us to obey Him for both our good and His glory.

We naturally want to keep our money for ourselves. A desire for a better lifestyle or fear of not having enough leads us to hang onto everything we get. But our compass directs us to honor God by giving Him the first part of all we have, trusting Him to provide for our needs (vv. 9-10).

We naturally hate God’s discipline. His painful reproofs seem to prove that He doesn’t care about us. But our heavenly Father says His discipline is the evidence that confirms His love and delight in us as His children (vv. 11-12).

Sometimes in our desire to follow the Lord, we focus on obedient actions—doing what He says—but miss His directions concerning our attitudes and thought patterns. To stay on God’s path for our lives, we must make course corrections not only in our behavior but also in our hearts and minds.

Pray with me for direction from the Lord:

Lord, I confess that I often ignore or don’t care to follow the path you’ve laid out for me. I often try to make my own path with disasterous results. Help me follow you with not only my actions, but my thoughts and attitudes. Thank you for knowing the best path for my life and for never abandoning me to my own ways. Help me remember this truth as I live out my days, and help me make necessary course corrections as I walk along the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

a prayer for direction

Editor’s Note: The following is an abridged version of God’s Compass for the Heart and Mind from the In Touch devotional. To read the full article follow this link.


We make an infinite number of decisions in life.

Some are clear-cut.


not so much.

What do we do when we don’t know what to do?

When there’s no apparent right answer and no obvious wrong one?

When we just want what God wants, but we have no idea what that is?

First, we remind ourselves of the truth that God doesn’t want His will to be a mystery to us.

And then we draw near to Him in faith, asking Him to guide us.

No, He won’t write the answer in the sky or tattoo it on your forehead.

But when the time is right, He’ll open doors…after He closes a few first. He’ll bring conversations, information, and opportunities your way. He’ll nudge impressions on your heart that He confirms in other ways.

His methods are limitless, but one thing is sure:

He will guide you.

Here are ten prayers for God’s direction, straight from God Himself in the pages of the Bible. Will you join me in praying the Scriptures for God’s direction?

a prayer for direction

Prayers for God’s Direction

1.)Tell God that you trust Him with all your heart, and that you don’t want to rely on your own understanding. Commit to acknowledging Him in all your ways, and let Him know you’re trusting Him to make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

2.)Claim God’s promise to instruct you, to teach you in the way you should go, and to counsel you with His eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8)

3.)Affirm to God that all your ways are pure in your own eyes, and that you have trouble seeing your own errors. Ask Him to “weigh your spirit” and examine your motives. (Proverbs 16:2)

4.)Echo Jesus’ words: “I seek not My own will but the will of Him who sent me.” Let God know that you just want what He wants, and ask Him to reveal that to you in His timing. (John 5:30)

5.)Repeat these words of the psalmist: “Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul.”(Psalm 143:8)

6.)Let God know that you’re asking for guidance, seeking His will, and knocking on the door of heaven. Claim His promise to give to those who ask, reveal to those who seek, and open to those who knock. (Matthew 7:7-8)

7.)Ask God for a humble spirit, and remind Him of His promise to lead the humble in what is right, and to teach the humble his way. (Psalm 25:9)

8.)Pray these words from Psalms: “Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

9.)Praise God for being your rock and your fortress. Profess His promise to lead you and guide you for His name’s sake. (Psalm 31:3)

10.)Ask God to teach you His way, and commit to walking in His truth. Beg Him to give you an undivided heart to fear His name. (Psalm 86:11)

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a prayer for direction

a prayer for direction

a prayer for direction


So often in our lives happens the situations when we are lost or at least not sure how to behave. Sometimes it is so trying to make a decision and to choose the right way. You feel that you can’t rely only on your experience or on the advice of other people. You think that it is not the advice you need, it doesn’t lead to the peace in your mind and heart, you feel undecided and confused. The only thing that you want is some clarity in your thinking, some wisdom on which you could base your decisions. God is our Shepard, who guides us all in our life journey. We need to walk with Him, talk to Him daily. And of course, we can say a prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom.

Prayer for Guidance, Direction, Clarity, and Wisdom

Everlasting Father, wonderful and counselor, you are the almighty God, the all-knowing and all-seeing God. Nothing is hidden from you, and even darkness is as plain as light before you. I praise and adore your holy name for who you are and for the things you do.

God, I approach unto your presence today in the multitude of your mercy; I know that you know my ways and I do not want to be wise in my own eyes. Thus, Lord, I ask that you lead me today and give me guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom into your truth. God, order my steps by your Holy Spirit, let my choices be guided by your word, let me not go ahead of you.

I humbly ask for your guidance and direction today as I go through life. Please guide me in your love and lead me in your light that I may not fall into temptation, that darkness may not overtake me. God, I pray that you light my candle and enlighten my darkness. I pray for clarity in my situation. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

When to Say Prayer for Guidance, Direction, Clarity, and Wisdom?

A prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom is a prayer we say when in need of counsel or light in times of confusion and trouble.

A prayer for guidance shows our absolute dependence on God for direction, wisdom, clarity, and inspiration. It is a prayer that every believer must consciously pray every day in order avail oneself of God’s help and direction in these changing times that we live in.

The prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom is a vital prayer that one needs to pray daily. We daily make decisions, sometimes stand at crossroads and need direction. In all these situations we need a higher authority to lead and guide us the right way. Sometimes we don’t even notice traps or nets are in our way, but as we daily pray for guidance, the Lord directs us to victory.

We can’t afford to make mistakes that can cancel or dent our destinies hence; we daily desire prayers that the Father of light, the all-knowing God will give our heart counsel and guidance.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy parts” (Proverbs 3:5).

The word direct means guide. Never assume that your judgment is right, never try to figure out things on your own, learn to say the prayer for guidance, direction, wisdom and clarity in all you do and God will keep you on track.

You need the prayer for guidance in a time of the battle. Your battle may be financial, spiritual, emotional, marital, parental, leadership, etc. If you will learn to trust God with all your heart, humble yourself and pray for guidance, direction, wisdom, and clarity. The Lord will deliver into your hands divine strategies that will give you the victory.

Not by power, by military strength or by political strategies, but by the Spirit of God mountains can be moved. Pray to Him for guidance today, and He will surely lead you into victory.



Prayer is the gateway through which we have direct access to our Father in heaven.  Prayer provides an opportunity to spend time with God and find peace in the comfort of God’s presence.

Through prayer, we have the power to make our requests known to God and, most importantly, hear from God what He would have us to do in our lives.

When you’re lost, confused and unsure of what do say or do next, go to God for the answer.   Here’s a prayer from Joel and Victoria Osteen to help you get moving in the direction of your purpose.

Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing Your healing waters to flow through me by your precious Son, Jesus. I choose to pour out life onto others and refresh them with life-giving words. Direct my words, order my steps, and let everything I do glorify You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Joel & Victoria Osteen

Visit www.JoelOsteen.com to learn more about the ministry of Joel and Victoria Osteen.

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    a prayer for direction


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