This is a complete collection of good morning text messages and good morning prayers for boyfriend and Girlfriend. These good morning quotes are specially drafted for lovers and close friends.
Good Morning Wishes for Boyfriend and Girlfriend
1. This morning is a sign of the love of God for you, so be happy and praise Him for the good he has done for you. Good morning.
2. Wake up this morning and do the right thing, I wish you a sound health and unending success this morning. Good morning.
3. May the Lord be pleased with you; I am pleased to tell you some words of advice this morning, be strong. I wish you a bright day ahead.
4. My dear friend, I hope you are fine, my regards to your mom, dad and siblings. It is my wish to say hello to you this morning.
5. Good morning, put a smile on your face for the day is bright and promising good fortune. Have your own portion of its grace.
- Good Morning Sweetheart Text Messages & Love Letters for him and her
- I Love You No Matter What Quotes for Him and Her
6. Morning is sunshine for every lucky soul that scaled through the night hours. Have a wonderful morning time. Good morning.
7. This is an opportunity to reset our goal for a brighter future ahead. What a wonderful moment to praise God and do the right thing. Good morning.
8. Good morning, have a pleasurable, admirable and splendid morning. You are welcome to the brightness of the day.
9. You are sunshine, put a smile on your face for been alive this morning. You are so special, wonderful and above all true friend. Good morning.
10. Have a day full of joy and cheerfulness, a noon full of light and happiness and an evening full of satisfaction and comfort. Good morning.
Good Morning Text Messages for Boyfriend & Girlfriend
11. Expect a day full of joy and happiness; expect a day promising you lots of fortunes and endless happiness. Good morning.
12. Have a wonderful day with your family and be truthful to anyone you come across. Don’t cheat people. Good morning, I wish you a brighter day ahead.
13. Good morning, I wish you a very awesome morning and every moment full of joy, peace, love and passion.
14. I am sending this wish to you my dear friend, for the Lord to bless you with every single thing you desire. Have an awesome day ahead.
15. Wishing you the best in this blessed morning, wishing you all the best in this life. I ask the Lord to honour you for everything you want.
16. Have a wonderful day ahead, may your day be full of joy and happiness. Put a smile on your face and have a splendid morning.
17. A special greeting to a friend that I respect so much, a good morning filled with freshness and success. Good morning.
18. I am wishing you a day with an uncommon conquest, a noon with smoothness and an evening filled with endless cheerfulness. Good morning.
19. You are such a wonderful angel, a good friend worthy of been celebrated in every second of this life. Have a wonderful morning time.
20. A big good morning to the best friend ever, may this day favour you and bring every good thing to your life. I wish you all the best in life. Good morning.
Good Morning Prayers for Boyfriend and Girlfriend
21. As the glowing of the morning hour, may your days be filled with light and sunshine! May your door of success be opened from now on; Good morning!
22. Every day of your life shall bring joy and happiness to you. I beseech the Lord for a maximum success for you. May your generation find no difficulty forever, good morning!
23. May your home be filled with success and prosperity; may your days be filled with joy and happiness, good morning!
24. Every second of your life shall come with a unique joy, happiness and a fulfilling moment of love between you and your entire family—good morning!
25. May the Lord endow us with a day with endless joy, cheerfulness and complete satisfaction. We are weak, Lord please strengthen us and grant us a life full of the fulfilment of our dreams.
26. May the days of your life be filled with great satisfaction and success, long and prosperity, children of your choice and continuous wealth! Good morning.
27. May the all hear Lord accept all your prayers and bestow upon you your entire heart desires. May he draw you close to Him, good morning!
28. May the Lord make you a servant submissive to Him and cunt you among the most successful people on the last Day. Good morning.
29. May your days be filled with good in this world and with good in the hereafter, may you be crowned with endless joy—good morning!
30. Good morning my dearest companion, may the Lord protect you against every predicament coming your way. Good morning!
Good Morning Prayer for My Boyfriend
31. Us Praise be to the Lord who woke us up this morning to witness the beauty and the brightness of this day. Good morning.
32. This is a great day as sweet as the silent night, may your day be filled with bliss and continuous joy. I just want to say good morning.
33. You feel pleasure and enjoyment in this blessed morning hour, may everything you are going to lay your hands be blessed and turn into success for you!
34. I pray that unexpected glory, grace and fortune be showered upon you starting from this morning until the end of time. Good morning.
35. May your day be filled with lots of flowers and roses, may you smile till eternity and you shall be protected from all evil, good morning!
Good Morning Prayer for My Girlfriend
36. Good morning to you my darling angel, a superb and great opportunity shall be opened for you now and forever. Good morning.
37. Good morning to a special rose, beautiful blossom and a chocolate got from the root a honey blossom, God bless you.
38. May the Lord turn your days and nights into a beautiful garden of joy and happiness, I pray that your Lord is with you forever. Good morning.
39. This day shall be filled with roses and passion for you, the light and its sunshine shall find their way to your home. Good morning.
40. You are a wonderful and lovely sister, a joyful angel and my wife. I am wishing you the best of this morning time.
41. Don’t take your eyes off the track so that you will achieve your desired dream rather than ending up in another man’s dream. Good morning.
42. You must have a plan in life to be able to live comfortably; this morning shall be part of your steps to the point of your success. Good morning.
43. Wishing you a special day ahead, you can eventually become whatever you want to be in as much as you believe in yourself. Good morning.
44. Always be ready for your vision all the time so that you can kick off at the right time. Use this blessed morning to achieve greatness in your life; good morning my love.
45. You may be planning something different while your destiny is in contrary direction; have a wonderful morning.
46. Good morning to you my darling angel may the blessed day be yours for now and forever. I pray that your honor be raised by God forever.
47. A lovely face like you will forever be appreciated, a good morning to a beautiful angel. I love everything about. Good morning.
48. No matter how hard this life may be, always remember that your vision will never fail you so keep moving until you win. Good morning.
49. As you pursue your dream this morning, live by faith and never give up no matter what happened. Have a wonderful day.
50. Believe in what you can do and learn and to say yes or no because they both are powerful words that can either push up or pull you down, I wish you a sweet day ahead.
Good Morning Inspirational Prayer for Husband and Wife
51. In this morning, keep your vision ahead of time and never joke with your determination to achieve it. Good morning.
52. I wish you a great fulfillment of your dreams and vision. Always remember that how disciplined your life in relation to your dream and vision really matters. Good morning.
53. I believe that your energy is used for good things and your times are spent on relevant things. I wish you a sound health and a time filled with lots of dream fulfillment. Good morning.
54. I wish you all the blessings in life may your doors to a successful and fulfilling life be opened. Have a wonderful morning time.
55. Make a good decision for yourself and be rest assured that if you keep moving in the right direction definitely you won’t lose the mark. Good morning.
56. May you master everything that will link you to your success, in this blessed morning I wish you a splendid fulfillment.
57. May your life be touched by the Hands of the Lord, may your home be filled with endless joy and continuous passion. Good morning.
58. Stand up and thank the Lord for everything he has done in your life; do things that are good for your vision. Good morning, a good day ahead.
59. The brightness of the day shall bring endless joy fro you making this blessed morning hour the beginning of a new joy and lasting happiness in your life; good morning!
60. Spend time with the right people so that you can become like them; remember that your attitude towards your dream is determined by the kind of relationship you keep. Good morning.
Good Morning Prayer Messages for a Friend
61. In this morning, I am wishing you a very bright future. Try and do something significant with your life; just want to say good morning.
62. A life well lived is a life worth been celebrated forever. I wish you a fulfilled ambition in life and an outstanding legacy whenever you depart this world. Good morning.
63. Do not let anything to off the light of your dream, a conflict or disagreement may play their role but a disciplined fellow will never give up his goals. Good morning.
64. A wonderful and fulfilling morning for the most beautiful angel in the world. I as the Lord to protect you against all evil. Good morning.
65. You are so special, may the Lord continue to bless you until the end of time. Have a special day ahead. Good morning.
66. Good morning my angel, I am pleased to wake you up this morning ahead your alarm. Use this opportunity to praise the Lord for your life; good morning.
67. A sweet day ahead, success and lots of good for you—may the Lord bless you with the most expected dream in your heart. Good morning.
68. I wish you an incredible day ahead, may the Lord have mercy upon you and give you a day with stress free. Good morning.
69. In the brightness of this blessed morning time, I pray that all your heart be taken into complete consideration by God. Good morning.
70. You are sunshine, may your day continue to be painted with white colors, may you excel in life and succeed in whatever you lay your hands.
71. I am so happy to hear from you this awesome morning; I pray that we experience more of it in the next days to come. Good morning.
72. Your days shall be filled with lots of flowers and endless colors that bring lots of joy to the heart. I just want to say good morning.
73. May you lack nothing of your heart desires, may you be recognized among the best of people; may your days in this life be full of fulfillments—good morning!
74. Like the shining star, may your life be full of light, like the rose may your living be full of admirers for you—I wish you a prosperous life—good morning.
75. May your living be recorded with complete joy and good legacy, may you be protected against all evil; good morning.
76. A lovely flower for you, an ocean full of joy for you, a building of success and prosperity for in this morning. Just want to say good morning.
77. Every morning time is another opportunity to correct our past mistakes and to give thanks to the Lord for sparing our life till this moment. Good morning.
78. Good morning my sweet love, may you find the face of the Lord, I pray that your days be filled with endless consideration from God and may you never be
forgotten till eternity. Good morning.
79. May you find a joyful morning, may the light of your success be shone all over the world; I wish you all the best in this life—good morning.
80. In beseech the Lord for a successful life for you. I ask the Lord to honor us and grant us the most interesting things in this life—good morning.
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Do you pray for your husband?
My answer to this was always, “Of course!”
I did pray for my husband, but not on a regular basis.
It was usually when he had something going on or asked for prayer.
I was rarely proactive in covering him in prayer.
However the further I got in my walk with God, the more I understood how powerful and important prayer was concerning my husband. After years of trying to change him and trying to be his “Holy Spirit Jr.”, I realized that prayer was the key–not my advice or complaints.
As much as I love praying for my husband, I don’t always remember to do it.
I can get sidetracked with the thousands of other responsibilities life throws at me.
In order to place it in the forefront of my mind, I put it on my calendar. Before you go thinking this is weird and impersonal….he knows I do this and actually appreciates it. I have an alert on my phone that goes off each morning at 7am that says “Pray for Hubby and Kids”.
It has been the best thing I’ve done for my marriage. Seriously, you need to try it.
Not only do I put it in my calendar, but I have a few set topics and prayers handy that help guide my prayers.
I don’t want to pray just for the sake of praying, I want to see real change and power made available to him.
When I’m praying, I’m believing!
It’s warfare time and I’m there to defend, protect and claim–not in my power, but in the name of Jesus!
Declaring the scriptures over him will actually help him to become the man God’s called him to be.
When you first begin saying these things you may think, I’m saying this but none of it’s true.
Don’t let that stop you!
Your words have power. The more you speak them, the more you will see them come to pass.
Tell other people these things about him. It honors him and he will feel supported and loved by you.
Here are a few of the prayers and declarations that I’m praying for my husband.
**As a side note: Just because I pray for him in these areas does not mean he is not doing well in them. I pray over the areas he is proficient in as well. Why? Because I want him to continue to do well in them. There is no area that the enemy won’t try to come in. I want to make sure I’m on the offense, not just the defense!
Work Life
My husband works with all his heart as unto the Lord. He glorifies God with his talents. (based on Colossians 3:23)
The favor of God rests on my husband. God establishes the work of his hands and provides the business he needs. (based on Psalm 90:17)
Father, thank you for my husband’s job. Lord, help him to see it as a gift from You. Father, I pray that you continue to bless him in this area. Give him insight into his field. Continue to show him creative ways to make money and expand his presence in his industry. Lord, help him to see his job as a blessing, even in the times where it’s rough. Guard his heart and mind from discouragement when things don’t go the way he anticipates. Let him work with all his heart to bring You glory. I pray Your favor would cover him and that he would prosper in his work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Home Life
My husband leads me with gentleness and walks in understanding with me. (based on 1 Peter 3:7)
My husband is an encouraging father. He leads our children in the way of the Lord. (based on Ephesians 6:4)
Lord, protect my husbands time at home. Father, help him to govern our house in wisdom and fear of You. Teach him Your ways, that He may be an example to our children. Give him insight into how to raise our family. Help him to balance his time between work and home life. Help him to understand how to love me better as his wife and help me learn to be respectful. Teach him to be gentle and kind with our family, while teaching us to be submissive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The wise will surround my husband and he will become wiser. (based on Proverbs 13:20)
My husband speaks what is edifying to those around him. He builds others up and uses his words to glorify God. (based on Ephesians 4:29)
My husband is an example to others in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (based on 1 Timothy 4:12)
Father thank you for my husband’s godly relationships. Lord continue to surround him with men that reflect Your heart. Help him to be slow to speak and quick to listen with his friends. Guard his mouth from speaking anything other than what edifies the hearer and glorifies You. Give him divine connections throughout his day. Let him be a beacon of light to those around him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Physical Health
My husband will be in good health and prosper, even as his soul prospers. (based on 3 John 1:2)
My husband is disciplined in his eating and exercising habits. He maintains control over all cravings. (based on 1 Corinthians 9:27)
Lord I thank you for my husband’s health. Father I pray that you would preserve him. Help him to make good food choices each day. Let him crave those things that are good for him. Protect each cell in his body, that nothing harmful can prosper against him. Give him energy at the end of the day to work out. Show him a plan for working out. Send others to encourage him and even a buddy to work out with that will keep him accountable. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Spiritual Growth
My husband grows in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ daily. (based on 2 Peter 3:18)
The faith my husband has will move mountains and nothing will be impossible for him! (based on Matthew 17:20)
God I thank you that my husband is growing in wisdom, stature and favor with You and man. Continue to expand his knowledge of You, Lord. I thank you for the men you have placed in his life to help him along the way. Lord, continue to increase his faith as he reads Your Word. Preserve his time with you, Lord. Speak to him throughout the day and guide his decisions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
How do you pray for your husband? Do you have a routine or a specific method for praying for him? I’d love for you to share it! We can help each other grow in our efforts to pray for our spouses. The more we pray, declare and seek God on behalf of our men, the more we will see them grow in the image of God.
Want to keep these scriptures and prayers close? You can print them out for free HERE.
In the age we are in, the price to make ends meet is high, and for the family man, it is even higher. Your husband wakes up before dawn, is out all day and returns late at night. This is his daily cycle. Many times, he has to rush through his prayers because there is barely time for him to pray.
You, most assuredly, want your husband to succeed and beyond that, you want him to be protected from every form of evil, but you may be clueless on what to pray about.
That can end as there are fifty protection prayers in this post that you can say on your husband’s behalf.
Table of contents
Prayer for My Husband Protection
1. God of heaven and earth, I entrust the life of my husband in your care. Watch over him and guard every step he takes. Deliver him from the evils of the day and the destruction of the night. Amen.
2. I pray this day, that my husband’s life is hidden with Christ in God. No evil shall befall him; no harm shall come near him.
3. May the protection of the Lord be upon my husband to deliver him from the wiles of the enemy. I declare that the Lord is his shade forever.
4. My husband, I pray that you will live long and be satisfied. You will not die an untimely death; the number of your days you will fulfil on earth.
5. I decree that no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Every evil gathering together for your sake shall be scattered and the plans of the enemy shall be frustrated.
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6. I pray that as my husband goes in and comes out, the Lord will be with him, to protect him in all his ways.
7. In your career, I displace every bad wish against you. Your source of income will not go dry.
8. I declare over my husband that his health is stable. Sickness will not make his body a harbour. My husband is hale and hearty.
9. Dear God, keep my husband from the influence of strange women. My husband will not be enticed into the embrace of the adulteress.
10. I pray for wisdom to always make the right choices for my husband. Help him to be sensitive and be able to discern between the wrong and right people. Help him also to be able to discern between profitable and dubious deals.
Godly Prayer for My Husband Protection
11. For my husband, I pray this day, that the Lord will protect him from the evil one.
12. Help my husband, Lord, to be able to withstand the antics of the deceiver. He won’t fall prey in the hands of the enemy.
13. I pray that my husband’s ears will always be open to hearing when the Lord leads him away from trouble.
14. Keep my husband strong. Let him not fall under the weights and pressures of this world.
15. Help my husband to continually be strengthened and encouraged in you, Lord.
16. When things seem to be not working, keep my husband from losing his mind. Instead, help him to trust You who is able to do all things in and for him.
17. Oh Lord, keep my husband as the apple of your eyes. He is your anointed, do not let anyone touch him for evil.
18. Lord, please spread your protection over my husband. Watch over him day and night.
19. Guard my husband in his going in and coming out. Don’t let the arrows of destruction hit him.
20. Protect my husband from maligning fellows, backbiters, envious people and the wicked ones.
21. Lord, I ask on my husband’s behalf, that you will deliver him from all his troubles. Help him to always know that you are near him.
Best Prayer for My Husband Protection
22. I pray for my husband, when he walks through the fire, he will not be burned; the waters of life will not drown him. No matter what he has to go through, he will always come out unscathed.
23. I ask for my husband’s sake, that his physical strength and natural force will not go dim. He will continually be strong.
24. Lord, watch over my husband and be his ever-present help in troubling situations.
25. I bring my husband’s work under your cover. Oh Lord, build a hedge around my husband’s career.
26. When a disaster is passing, I pray that you will hide my husband in the shadow of your wings.
27. Be my husband’s refuge and fortress, to guard him from those who seek his hurt.
28. Set an unparalleled watch over and around my husband’s health. His bones will not go weak; his body organs will not cease to function.
29. I pray that at every point my husband is emotionally down, he will find succour in you. He won’t lose his mind. Instead, help him to stay joyful through his challenging times.
30. I ask, oh Lord, that my husband will not lose the love of our children. Help him to stay in constant connection with them.
Prayer Messages for My Husband Protection
31. When my husband walks unknowingly in the midst of trouble, preserve his life. With your right hand, save him.
32. Oh Lord, I pray that you will stretch out your hand against those who plot ways to make my husband trip and fall. Keep him safe from the wish of the wicked and violent one.
33. Trials do come but do not let my husband be crushed by them. In the midst of despair, do not let him be downtrodden.
34. I pray that the activities of caterpillars, locusts and cankerworms will cease in my husband’s life. I pray that his finances will not be tampered with.
35. Let no harm catch up with or overtake my husband. Rescue him at all times.
36. Keep my husband from making wrong choices. Help him to discern between the right and the wrong at all times when making choices in his relationship, career, finances, issues that concern his health and our family.
37. In times of trouble, keep my husband’s faith from failing. Let his soul continually find encourages in you.
38. Keep my husband’s body from illnesses. Shield him from ailments. Let him find strength in you always.
39. Lord, protect and preserve my husband. Do not give him over to the wish of the wicked ones.
40. Sustain my husband, Lord, and keep his heart from fear and worry.
God’s Protection prayer Over My Husband
41. I pray that my husband will never lose hope and faith in you. Help him to always keep his body and soul together.
42. Uphold my husband. Don’t let him ever feel discouraged. Guard his heart from anxiety and evil thoughts.
43. Strengthen my husband, Lord. Keep his heart from fear and dismay at all times.
44. Lord, keep my husband from shame. Don’t let the enemy rejoice over him.
45. Help my husband to always remember your promise: to preserve and keep him from falling.
46. Father, preserve my husband so that he will grow so old to see our children’s children even to the fourth generation as you have promised.
47. Dear God, protect my husband from all forms of accidents: road, air, home accidents. Cover every means by which he transports himself from one place to another.
48. Shield my husband’s body from a terminal and non-terminal diseases. Knock them off before they even call at his body.
49. Protect my husband from the fiery darts of the wicked ones. Do not let their gathering over his life stand.
50. I pray that my husband’s trust in you will not die. Help him to know that you are always with him no matter what comes his way.
- Written By Ajiki Christiana.